• The Dancing Shiva

    Om Namah Shivaya

    The mantra ‚Om Namah Shivaya‘ could be translated as ´I salute to the absolute light of consciousness, beyond all names and forms´. By chanting this mantra you call opon Shiva the auspicious one to remove all your blockages.

    For more information visit our website: Yoga Vidya Experience – The Dancing Shiva (yoga-vidya.de)

    The Dancing Shiva is a music project of Yoga Vidya e.V., a non-profit organisation in Germany and Europe´s largest yoga and ayurveda education centre, visit for more info https://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/ .

    Krishna Krishna Mahayogin (Alles wird gut)

    Krishna Krishna Mahayogin is a mantra of faith and courage: Krishna is invoked to take away all bhayas, all fears. Krishna is Govinda, the good shepherd who brings great joy to a Paramananda. He makes sure everything is for the best – Sarvam Me Vashamanaya

    O Krishna, O Mysterious One (Krishna),

    You lead me to Oneness (Yoga) in a great way (Maha).

    You give courage and confidence (abhayamkara) to all who devote themselves (bhaktanam) to you.

    You are my good shepherd (Govinda). You lead me to the highest joy (Paramananda).

    Let me know: Everything (Sarvam) that comes is good for me (Me Vasha Manaya)

    For more information visit our website:

    Yoga Vidya Experience – The Dancing Shiva (yoga-vidya.de)

    The Dancing Shiva is a music project of Yoga Vidya e.V., a non-profit organisation in Germany and Europe´s largest yoga and ayurveda education centre, visit https://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/ for more info.

    Devi Devi Devi (Jay Ma)

    „Devi Devi Devi“ has been the absolute favorite at Yoga Vidya since Yoga Vidya was founded in 1992. „Devi Devi Devi“ is a kirtan with great dynamics, with great joy and great ease. This Devi Devi Devi kirtan brings great joy and can bring ecstasy to a whole group of aspirants. Whenever you are stuck somewhere, whenever you are somehow sad, whenever you want to get new strength, new confidence, new joy, new love, you just have to chant this kirtan with great enthusiasm. And so there are also many videos and audios with this kirtan on the Yoga Vidya pages. „Devi Devi Devi“ is said three times in a row, what means „Oh goddess, oh goddess, oh goddess“. Devi also means „radiant“ and „shining“. „You are Jagan Mohini, you charm the whole world.“ Mohini – „whom you charm“, and Jagan – „the whole universe“. „Devi Devi Devi Jagan Mohini.“ „Chandrika Devi. You are radiant and luminous, Devi.” Chandrika is a name of Durga, it is an affectionate form of Chandi and Chandi is one of the names of the Divine Mother, expressing closeness. And this Chandi is also Chandamunda Harini, she has overcome, Harini, Chanda and Munda, these are two demons described in the Devi Mahatmyam. They stand for duality: “You help me to overcome all dualities.” “Chamundeshwari, you are the goddess who leads me into unity.” “Ambika, you are the divine mother, please let me experience you as my mother .” And, “Devi – Oh Goddess”. Thus: “Devi Devi Devi, O Divine Mother, you enchant the whole world. You are radiant and luminous. You transcend all dualities. You are my mother. Lead me to the highest.”

    For more information visit our website: Yoga Vidya Experience – The Dancing Shiva (yoga-vidya.de)

    The Dancing Shiva is a music project of Yoga Vidya e.V., a non-profit organisation in Germany and Europe´s largest yoga and ayurveda education centre, visit https://www.yoga-vidya.org/english/ for more info.